Lately, there has been no interesting topic to blog upon. And as a result I was forced to stumble the internet endlessly, aimlessly and hopelessly. Wasting my time mostly liking and sharing stuff on facebook. But at the same time, studying one of my favourite subject online, ‘human psychology’. And reading some lame comments here and there.

Coming to the title here – RENAISSANCE – the golden period associated with the evolution in thinking of the human mind, the period when the foundations of today’s inventions lay, the period which gave us the most notable personalities ever known. But where has it gone. I feel it’s gone. And the main culprit behind this absurd disappearance is INTERNET.


Internet – for me it’s an entity I can’t live without. It’s like an omnipresent force without which our race can’t propagate ahead. Try to imagine days without this entity. Impossible right? because our minds are now habituated to gather all it’s information from it. That has brought our creativity levels to a minimal, which marks a fall in the cognitive ability of our brains. In other words, WE ARE DEPENDENT. Our minds are subjected to an enormous exposure to the internet. Can you recall when you last tried to comprehend a piece of information all by yourself? no, because you just preferred to GOOGLE it. Every time we come across something exciting we now prefer to “google” it rather than wasting time on decoding it by ourselves. In doing so, we have made our neurons useless.

Don’t you think that most of the inventions and discoveries done in any field were before the Internet era begun. We have become a slave of this stupid thing. We are at the point where our relationships with families, friends and the society – all depends on internet [esp. FB]. I think soon there will come a time when we will act like a cavemen. Sitting in front of a computer, ordering anything you think is necessary for your survival ONLINE, and never ever coming out of that cave again. This is the brutal reality.

There can’t be another renaissance unless we spend less time sitting in front of this screen and more in the world outside. Remember the story of Newton? He discovered the force of gravity sitting under a tree. I guess that maybe the story isn’t that correct, but it sure gives us a great message. To think creatively, one need to be with nature. Nature has got all the secrets, we are just blinded by the glaze of our LCD screens. It isn’t easy to switch over quickly, but we can surely start in small steps. Do think over it. We don’t want MACHINES controlling us in our future, do we?